Building from that flexible but clear basis, QAA is now working with a group of practitioners drawn from UK institutions on an interim characteristic statement to frame micro-credentials in our home context. Again, the main discussions in the working group are around credit limits, portability and stackability. Credit is a requirement, and it is acknowledged that the range of credit ratings is challenging to the mobility of learners between institutions. Flexible Recognition of Prior Learning is therefore an integral part of the proposal.
Individual institutions are also working on their own strategic approaches to micro-credentials, and here at the University of Derby we are working on a framework that will allow learners to collect micro-credentials across different subject areas and levels. Various sector groups have had robust conference on the topic, including the Northern University Consortium (NUCCAT) and the QAA themselves. We are in a chicken and egg situation in many ways – institutions already have courses that could be categorised as micro-credentials under the current definitions, so do we design tightly-controlled frameworks and require our courses to be reviewed to fit into it, or do we design frameworks that encompass the existing variation? In terms of stackability, do we retain an emphasis on constructive alignment within programmes, or re-embrace the original modular philosophy of polymathy, perhaps with “Combined Studies” type award titles? It is clear to see that institutions are distinctive in their approach, and will have a spectrum of views on this issue, how will we find a common language that is open to all?
At its heart, despite all the knots we tie ourselves up in around our credit frameworks and curriculum design proclivities, it is clear that micro-credentials are going to be an important part of the relationship between HEIs and employers. They represent an opportunity to engage with new employers and build up additional offers, to drive economic growth by upskilling the workforce, and to contribute to our civic duties. This particular adventure in education may even lead to more collaboration and sharing between HEIs, facilitating true student mobility and effective, flexible lifelong learning.