From evidence of internal reports, training sessions and evaluation, tutors varied greatly in their willingness to engage with personal and social matters. Given that there was a panoply of specialist services provided elsewhere this is understandable. It might be assumed that this wouldn’t matter, but focus groups revealed that it mattered very much to the students. To generalise, Y13 leavers entering university had expected a replacement for their school or college tutor, i.e. someone they could refer to whatever their concern, and more mature learners hoped for individual support and encouragement whether requested or not, and an understanding of their particular circumstances in relation to study. Both groups were appreciative of the student services provided but regarded them as being for ‘students with problems’ and did not identify with this, regarding their issues as too trivial.
Problems arise where personal and social issues impact on academic work, and sharing of information is, rightly, left to the student to decide. A common trajectory is where absences lead to a drop in performance, missed examinations or even dropping out altogether, with no problem being disclosed despite the tutor’s best efforts. It is likely that commuter students are more likely to be affected, depending on the reasons why they are commuting in the first place, for example part-time employment or caring responsibilities, both of which may lead to sessions being missed. Students from disadvantaged home backgrounds are likely to be represented among this group, and also perhaps, and for many reasons, among students not seeking help.
In terms of progression and success, the provision of individual help when needed can make a difference both to individual outcomes and the university success rate, which may in turn affect admissions policies. It is encouraging to see the increasing and changing focus on student needs and support requirements, including personal tutoring, which can be one of the most important features of student experience in higher education, and contribute directly to better retention and success.