Like a traditional conference, there will be a keynote speaker introducing each morning’s theme, with a range of seminars, workshops, and lightning talks, but all delivered remotely. We have been inundated with colleagues keen to share their research.
We would normally have had a WP policy perspective at our conference – this time Chris Millward has recorded a short video introduction to each theme. We took the decision to make the remote conference free of charge, and so far 600 delegates have registered across the four days (420 for the opening morning). It has of course required a lot of human resource and technical support to organise the event, but we are excited that so many people across the sector are researching WP, want to share their findings, and want to hear about what others are doing.
I wonder if the future dissemination of WP scholarship will become more democratic and inclusive as a result of the disruption to normal academic life prompted by COVID?