
FACE Strategy 2023 - 2028

The Forum for Access and Continuing Education (FACE) has a long and successful history of facilitating exchange of knowledge in the key areas concerning the widening of participation to tertiary education. With a focus on alternative routes into HE and the lessons learnt from COVID in relation to the need to provide opportunities for upskilling and reskilling, the introduction of the Lifelong Learning Entitlement is welcomed and timely. These changes present opportunities for FACE to develop and grow the contribution it makes to these sector-wide priorities, requiring us to be both strategically focused and agile.

The strategy outlined in this document serves to strengthen the excellent work already delivered by FACE and create the conditions to allow for further development of the organisation to benefit our members. Through consultation with them we have revised our 2016-20 Strategy, to reflect the shifting HE and lifelong learning landscape, reflecting our four strategic goals.

The commitment to our strategy needs to be collective and democratic, with the entire membership having ultimate responsibility for its delivery. It is proposed that the co-Chairs and co-Vice-Chairs will provide leadership and direction to support this endeavour. They will be supported by a member of the executive for each of the strategic themes. These strategic leads will be agreed on an annual basis at the first executive meeting following the AGM and will be expected to report on the progress of their theme against the measures of success, at each executive meeting thereafter.

Core values

  • Collaborative
  • Supportive
  • Collegiate
  • Community-driven
  • Member-led
We pride ourselves in providing a collaborative and supportive environment within which we can exchange knowledge and research insight into the issues affecting access and continuing education within the wider political and regulatory environment. Our membership helps to drive our vision and are fully engaged in the implementation of this strategy.

Our strategic objectives

The commitment to delivering our strategy needs to be collective and democratic, with the entire membership having ultimate responsibility for its delivery. The Chairs and Vice-Chairs will provide leadership and direction to support this endeavour. They will be supported by a member of the executive for each of the strategic objectives detailed below. These strategic leads will be agreed on an annual basis at the first executive meeting following the AGM and will be expected to report at each executive meeting regarding the progress of the targets that have been agreed.

Research, practice and events

We will provide opportunities for the development of collaborative research ideas among members as well as an opportunity to share evaluation outcomes and models of good WP practice from a national and international perspective
  1. Provide a forum for the sharing of research ideas with a view to collaboration on research proposals where feasible, using existing and new special interest groups as appropriate
  2. Offer a medium for the sharing of research methods, approaches and findings and an opportunity to examine how these can be applied in practice
  3. Provide a platform for practitioners to showcase WP work at a variety of levels (such as informal meetings through to formal international conferences)
  4. Promote the application of research findings in WP practice through the sharing of WP models of good practice among practitioners through for example the annual publication
  5. Support and promote cooperation among providers, practitioners and third sector organisations, both nationally and internationally
  6. Identify and respond to training and support needs of researchers, evaluators and practitioners.

Infrastructure, finance and sustainability

We will ensure FACE remains financially secure, well managed and able to have a meaningful impact on its beneficiaries.
  1. Ensure that FACE is a well governed, financially secure charity that balances innovation with stability
  2. Develop strategic partnerships resulting in increased new income streams and further enhance the suite of publications produced
  3. Support early career researchers and practitioners and also the dissemination of research and best practice approaches in the field of access, continuing education and widening participation
  4. Promote the effective use of charitable resources, including developing a plan for sustainability for FACE services and also the investment of appropriate funding for the ongoing development of member services and activities.

Membership, experience and identity

We will create the conditions to attract a diverse membership with the expertise and perspective to inform policy, our events and share good practice. To ensure a culture of collaboration and innovation exists to support our membership and the development of FACE.
  1. Develop membership categories which appeal to a diverse membership, with a recognition program to reward significant experience/expertise
  2. Increase membership engagement, starting with FACE conference, but including new engagement opportunities through the year
  3. Redefine the membership benefits and offer, and develop a communications and feedback plan to inform its continual improvement
  4. Develop a FACE member/exec member account management model/strategy
  5. Adopt a focused approach to recruiting new members and develop a welcome process that encourages new members to get involved right from the start
  6. The integration of the customer relationship management (CRM) system to manage, monitor and support membership engagement
  7. Maximise the potential of existing partnerships with other organisations and structure.

Policy and regulation

We will represent the voice of practitioners within the wider political and regulatory landscape
  1. Develop effective relationships with regulators, mission groups and wider sector networks
  2. Influence policy decisions through a collective response to consultations and general sector engagement
  3. Advocate for the discipline of widening participation and the community of practitioners responsible for delivering its objectives
  4. Engage with senior leaders across all sectors responsible for delivering HE in all its guises.

Monitoring and evaluation

Each strategic objective will be accompanied by an action plan, which will include SMART targets. Strategic leads will be responsible for ensuring actions are progress and reported on at each FACE Executive meeting.
FACE is a registered charity (no. 289413)

FACE Officers

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